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Новые даты проведения: 10 - 13 ноября 2021 года
ЦВК «Экспоцентр». Павильоны 1 и «Форум».

In terms of the 16th Moscow International Exhibition of Tool, Equipment and Technology MITEX, a dedicated area for MITEX.DIY master classes will open for the first time.

MITEX.DIY is a specially equipped training centre where masters working with wood and other materials will demonstrate their skills in dealing with power tools.

1 day - 7.11.2023

Time Topic Master Photo
11.00-12.30 Working with a rotary cultivator for beginners. Production a wall medallion Mikhail Kuchuk, author of Heartwood Channel кучук.jpg
15.00-17.30 Production of a ornamental vase from raw wood on a turning lathe Andrei Gromov, Head of Russian Lathe School громов.jpg

2 day - 8.11.2023

Time Topic Master Photo
11.00-12.30 Furniture facades. Transformation of your furniture just in 3 hours! Mikhail Kuchuk, author of Heartwood Channel
15.00-17.30 A bedside table in two hours: DIY as a short-time method of creating furniture Katya Menshikova, carpenter, items’ designer, co-founder of the carpenter’s workshop Roar (Moscow) Меньшикова.jpg

3 day - 9.11.2023

Time Topic Master Photo
11.00-12.30 Children's stool. Comfort of children's room with your own hands Mikhail Kuchuk, author of Heartwood Channel
15.00-17.30 Backfill to the lost part of the elbow. Item: Russian antique armchair made of solid oak, 19th century Olga Sivitskaya, Head of RESTART Furniture Restoration Studio

Rashid Mamusev, head of production of RESTART Studio College of Arts and Crafts, cabinet maker

4 day - 10.11.2023

Time Topic Master Photo
11.00-13.00 Insert of modern door furniture Farid Kamalov, founder of the company камал.jpg

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Strategic partner of the exhibition