POST Release
Any industry or trade sector has its own annual landmark events. MITEX exhibition is such an event for the tool market. Here you can get an insight into the new professional tools and equipment of domestic and foreign manufacturers, and compare their offers to choose the best ones.
Among the honoured guests who took part in the official opening ceremony of MITEX 2016 there were Nikolay Valuyev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Victor Cherepov, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Boris Goldstein, President of the RATPE Association, Vladimir Bykov, Managing Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Aleksander Batalin, General Director of JSC “Fiolent Plant”, Mikhail Tolkachev, Deputy General Director of JSC “Expocentre”.
“MITEX is a meeting place for old friends, for people truly passionate about tool manufacturing; for our company and for all who participate at the show today, who work and will continue working on the tool market more than a day or a year, for those who love their job and their profession”
Sergey Dengin, general director Kölner, Stavr, Galaxy
405 exhibitors from 21 countries, including Australia, Austria, Germany, India, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Moldova, United Arab Emirates, Belarus, Russia, the USA, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, South Korea took part in MITEX 2016.
Total exhibition area: 16 500 sq. m
Among the exhibitors there are: 220 Volt, Gedore, Greenworks, Hitachi, Kolner, Lifan Group, LIT Trading, Metabo, Narex, Patriot, Rubi, Stabila, Sturm, Wald, Vneshtehkontrakt, Eurotech, Interskol, Kalibr, Severnye Strely, Stavr, TMK, Uralopt, Fiolent and other companies. The exhibitors demonstrated new tools and equipment, as well as anti-crisis partnership conditions and special offers during four exhibition days for the visitors only.
“The exhibition is a significant milestone for the Russian power tools competitiveness improvement. We participate in the show every year, and we always gain a fresh impetus to the development and new technology introduction”
Aleksander Batalin, General Director, JSC “Fiolent Plant”
The companies from Germany, China, and Taiwan demonstrated their products and services at national collective expositions for the visitor’s convenience
A complete list of exhibitors is available on the e-catalogue on the exhibition’s website.
The professional audience shows a great interest to the show, which grows every year. 17820 visits were registered during four exhibition days, which is 10% more than last year. MITEX exhibitors noted the increased interest of guests for business cooperation, which is also a sign of the quality of the event.
An intensive programme of co-located events was the best complement to the exhibition’s working atmosphere. On the first day, on 8 November, the MITEX Media Partners — FORUMHOUSE and ProfiToolInfo portals organized the Conference “Working on the construction exchange. Challenges and opportunities” and the training seminar “Retailer’s main activities during market decline”.
9 November was one of the most intensive exhibition days. It began with the Forum “Russian Market of Power Tools and Labour Saving Devices: Present State and Prospects”, organized by RATPE Association. The Forum has become a traditional place where experts discuss the latest trends in the tool industry.
Among the Forum’s speakers there were Boris Goldstein, RATPE President, Andrei Lotsmanov, Chairman of the Technical Regulation and Standardization Council at the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, Alexei Fyodorov, AKIT President, Sergey Nazarov, Chairman of Interskol Board of Directors, and Victor Kislitsyn, Deputy General Director of JSC “Fiolent”.
A detailed market overview was provided by Boris Goldstein, RATPE President. “Presumably, in 2017 the market remains at the level of 2015; we can even expect a slight increase. This might be facilitated by several reasons, including the possible positive changes in the global geopolitics”, noted Mr. Goldstein.
Other reports were equally interesting. Igor Demakov, the executive secretary of the Committee for Technical Regulation, Standardization and Conformity Assessment of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs spoke on the development of the technical regulation system. Russian innovative technology in professional power tools manufacturing used in the key industries was presented by Oleg Kravchenko, Vice Rector on Research and Innovation of the M.I. Platov South Russian State Technical University.
Mikhail Vasilyev, Deputy First Vice Rector on Research and Economic Development of the International Market Institute, Samara provided a forecast of Russian power market development of the in the medium term.
A case of successful professional power tools production in Russia was presented by Victor Kislitsyn, deputy general director of JSC “Fiolent Plant”.
“NaVerkh” Internet marketing agency hosted a Conference on efficient online shop promotion. The Conference “DIY + Internet: Actual Issues and Market Trends” organized by on 10 November, aroused a great interest among the exhibition guests.
“Made in Russia” programme is a new project launched on MITEX website this year. The programme has been designed for the companies interested in domestic industry development and high quality professional and household tools manufacturing in Russia.
Organizers: “Euroexpo” LLC. (Moscow), a member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), and Euroexpo Exhibitions & Congress Development GmbH (Vienna)
Official support: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, RATPE Association of Trading Companies and Manufactures of Power Tools.