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Новые даты проведения: 10 - 13 ноября 2021 года
ЦВК «Экспоцентр». Павильоны 1 и «Форум».

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The MITEX 17th Moscow International Tool Expo will be held 5-8 November 2024, at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds. The event will traditionally become a meeting place for the leading manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, industrial and service companies with their consumers. Regular participants and visitors know that each year the Trade Fair drives up becoming the best version of itself. 

The tool industry originates from MITEX

The Trade Fair stands at the origins of Russia's modern tool industry. Starting from 1998 and up to 2008, the event was named InterTOOL, then it was re-branded and turned into MITEX (Moscow International Tool Expo). This event featured first contacts of enterprises and distributors with the leading global brands, presentations of products of domestic companies, entering into partnerships that are operating up to now, discussions of global changes in the international market. For many companies, the platform played a special role, became their debut launch. Today they are market leaders, in the same way that the trade fair is a NUMBER 1 in Russian tool industry. Each of the 17 years provided MITEX with its own flair, unique experience, understanding of further development, drive for constant improvement and growth. 
In 2023, the trade fair brought together 1052 companies from Russia and other countries at the location of 40,800 sq.m. In 2024, the growth trend in the number of participants and fairgrounds space continues. Plus, the presence of foreign companies, including representatives of the People's Republic of China, is significantly increasing. 


Advanced Guard of the Tool Industry

Forward is the only direction that is familiar to the organizers, exhibitors and visitors of the trade fair. Tool evolution, which in 17 years has stepped over from the end of the last century to the new millennium, was right in front of our eyes with the support of MITEX. Every year, companies never fail to amaze us with their products and developments, and the organizers seek to update the format subject to the modern trends. 
MITEX 2024 will present advanced equipment and technologies in 14 thematic sections, including: power tools, gardening equipment, welding equipment, PPE, fitter's tools, assembly tools, joiner's tools, constructional tools, metal processing and cutting supplies, tools for car service, instruments and controls, laser technology, compressors, generators, diamond tools, hydraulics and much more.

I choose MITEX!

By choosing to participate in MITEX from year to year, exhibitors not only solve their relevant business tasks. The trade fair is a place to meet like-minded people, the exchange of innovative ideas, it is a point of inspiration and the emergence of new projects.
In 2024, 4 theme-based MITEX platforms will host various events, workshops, conferences and competitions. To build an international dialogue, there is meeting space for talks with the Chinese partners. The MITEX ARENA section will host tool industry development conferences. The new MITEX PARK section will present the latest landscape design solutions. While the MITEX DIY zone will provide woodwork master classes and other classes by bloggers.
“MITEX is the oldest tool trade fair in Russia. To have the lead is to keep up with the industry, understand full responsibility to exhibitors, share their victories and respond to changing market requirements. In all modesty, I can say that we grew and developed with our participants. In 2024 we also offer new formats generated in view of the modern trends. For the 17th time, we invite companies to rise to a new level of tool history by implementing all their plans and tasks at the trade fair,” says Ms. Gulnara Markelova, MITEX Director.
The trade fair dates back to 1998: in the early days, the event was named InterTOOL, then in 2008, it was renamed as MITEX, Moscow International Tool Expo. At EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, participating companies offer their products and solutions in 14 thematic sections. Visitors and guests are also able to enjoy a highly topical programme of events.

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